The eye opening represents the region, in voltage and time, of error-free. 4- Then explore to go to C:Program Files (x86)AlexP.
Right click and select update software driver, select install software driver manually. Sorry for my English but this is not my native language. 1 ns/div OO101010100 100 pasdiv (a) 2.5 kAcmo Driver 4 Gb/s : 250 ps/div. 3- Go to Device Manager and find your cam (for me USB camera-B3.04.06.1). I will try to add some threading to my project (for the USB device update function that must be called repeatedly). For now I'm running only in debug mode (with no optimizations) and I can squeeze 15 fps in 640x480 with no problems. Modified PS3EyeDriver (from Eugene Zatepyakin) compiled with 圆4 profile (I created a separate static lib from his work that we can use in our OpenCV projects). WinUSB kernel driver (installed with Zadig utility, the WinUSB kernel driver is provided by Microsoft) You must connect the PS3Eye to your machine and then install one of the generic kernel drivers. Here is the link for the installer: If you don't trust it, you can try this one. The real generic driver can be installed separately. No worry about the libusb thingy because there is a open source installer that will do it for you.
Considering that I don’t think this will even provide direct OBS support due to lack of DirectShow drivers (not sure about this though), I don’t want to take that risk unless someone already did this successfully. However, they seem to require Libusb for Windows for which I’ve read many threads saying that it disabled the user’s USB ports. I’ve read reports from Linux users who use different (and free) drivers: There are SDK and “professional” packages available, but their multi-cam support is only theoretical and by no means out-of-the-box. However, they only support one camera at a time.

Unfortunately, so far using two or more PS3 Eyes is only possible in Linux. It seemed a little odd the first time, like freezing if it wasnt the focused window, but after I set it up in OBS. I just use Window Capture on the preview program and it works fine for me.

What this means is that for each action you take, a new layer is created. I use the CL-Eye driver for my PS-Eye camera, and it comes with a little program you can open to view what the camera is seeing. However, nowadays multiple cams are the standard, with one or even two for the players and an additional one for the commentators. Photoshop is a layer-based editing program. The Sony Playstation Eye camera is only 10$ and by far the cheapest camera that does 480p60 with decent / good quality, so it’s very attractive to streamers.